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As Jesus walked amongst us He was focused on the spiritual needs of the people but demonstrated this in very practical ways.  He fed the hungry, healed the sick, brought freedom to the captive and even raised the dead.
He reached out to the broken and destitute.


As believers in Christ we are called not only to follow, but to go out and tell others in order that they may become disciples of Jesus also.


Hope Mission is an outreach which seeks to engage with people, who for one reason or another, have become disadvantaged and disconnected from the wider community.


Each Tuesday and Friday in Belfast City centre, we spend time getting to know these people in order to build relationships and gain trust whilst we share the good news of the gospel.

Several of these individuals have attended our Sunday evening service and have been brought under the sound of Gods Word as it is faithfully preached each week. 


We rejoice in the conversations and opportunities which God has blessed us with so far and are looking forward to the testimonies of changed lives all to the glory of God.

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17-19 Main Street

Ballynahinch BT24 8DN

2022 Registered Charity NIC100894

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